Dresses, Front Page, Summer wear
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On The Ball! Simplicity 1613

Being on the ball is not usually my forté but since my trip to the recent SewUpNorth meet up I’ve actually used 2 pieces of fabric I acquired at the swap and used a pattern that came free with the current issue of the Dressmaker magazine.

I’m not a regular of the Dressmaker magazine as I subscribe to Love Sewing and Sew Direct.  I think the hubby would raise an eyebrow at more sewing publications dropping on the mat, but I still have a peek at the others when I’m out shopping.

This pattern caught my eye immediately and I was drawn into buying the mag’ and I knew just which fabric would be a perfect match.

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This John Kaldor ITY knit which was kindly donated to the swap from RuthRuth at Ruth Creates.

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The pattern was a super simple make, I whizzed it up in a couple of hours (after cutting out) despite having to unpick the off the shoulder part – I’m not sure what it’s name is.  The shoulder band maybe?

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I’m not sure how it happened. Well, I supposed I am – I mustn’t have read the instructions properly!  It would have looked ok if I’d have wanted to wear it inside out.  I’d stitched the band on with a narrow zigzag which lead to a rather painful unpicking experience!

I still managed to get the dress finished in time to wear it for cricket.  A hot day was forecast and off the shoulder was going to be needed to top up the tan and minimise tan marks.   I also decided to lengthen the top to an above knee dress length.

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Where the band is attached to the dress it instructs you to sew a casing and insert narrow elastic.  I did but it just didn’t sit properly no matter how I messed about with it.


It gathered up very slightly at the front.  Not a great deal but enough to drive me bonkers when I wore it – though quite a lot of the time I had it all tucked under my arms to avoid tan marks.

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The back looked slightly better than the front but the elastic had to go!

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So the next day, whilst drinking anything fizzy that my sister had in the fridge, I sat and unpicked lots of overlocking stitches on her patio.

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Another painful experience but made easier by alcohol.

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Something i’d recommend – the alcohol.   Along with unpicking outside – no need to worry about the messy threads!

Once the elastic was removed the dress hung so much better.  I’m not really sure what purpose the elastic is supposed to serve.

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I’ve since hemmed the dress which a twin coverstitch and it looks fab and so RTW!

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I’d definitely use this pattern again if I needed a quick and easy summer dress or top.  Though next time I think I would shorten the length of the shoulder band – can you see how it hows off my shoulders more at one side…. Maybe it’s due to the heavier weight of an ITY knit?

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The fit across the bust is perfect, but I think I must have narrow shoulders in comparison to my back/chest.

Thanks Ruth for giving up this fabric to the swap – I love it and have some left which I’m contemplating making into some wide leg put on pants to wear with this top and give a jumpsuit sort of illusion!


  1. It looks fabulous made up, can’t wait to see the trousers! I think sew up north was definitely good for sewing mojo, I’ve done quite a lot this month, including using a pattern I picked up in the swap.

    • It was for me too….sometimes it’s hard to make time for it but there’s nothing like being with a group of sewers to get the creative juices flowing and spark some enthusiasm, and forget everything else!

  2. Dress looks fab w/o that elastic, and that pattern looks grand. Golly, you have sooo many sewing magazines over there. . . am green with envy. 😲

  3. I just had to unpick that machine stretch stitch (lightening stitch) – god it was nightmare! I feel your pain. End result is fab though!

  4. Pingback: Fankenpattern to the Races Simplicity 1613 and Newlook 6648 | T H I M B E R L I N A

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