Front Page, Indie Pattern, Jumpsuits
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BHL Holly Jumpsuit – No excuses needed this time

Last year I made a Holly Jumpsuit in the name of frivolity, also known as Jumping Into June.

This time I didn’t need an excuse. I’d been given a gorgeous pair of shoes which just happened to be the same colour magenta as some of the circles on this silky fabric that I recently bought from Abakhan when I met up with Jenny in Chester.  This fabric was just crying out to be a jumpsuit!

The first thing I did was try on my first Jumpsuit. I knew I’d need to modify the pattern pieces to avoid making a modesty panel like in version 1.  I’d also lost a few pounds too, so needed to check if any other adjustments were necessary.


I needed to loose 4 inches from the drape at the front.

It’s a bit tricky putting into words what I did to the front bodice piece.  Do the photos make sense?

I basically removed the shaded wedge from the top which then created a side dart by cutting into the fabric and making a hinge.

I felt the crotch of the trousers needed raising as it was hanging a bit low.

I’d not marked any shorten/lengthen lines on my traced off pattern piece so checked on the original pattern. There weren’t any either there either!

I measured 4 inches down from the top, perpendicular to the grain line and used that line to reduce the crotch length by an inch.  I also trimmed off the areas shaded which I thought would reduce the hips and waist to allow for my slight weight loss.


I whizzed the jumpsuit up in no time, not properly finished, I sewed up the main seams, and checked the fit.

Yay, it fit.  Slightly snug on the waist, but wearing heals would suck in the tummy!

The instructions call for bias binding to finish off the top edges of the bodice back and continue to form straps.  I made my bias strips, but they wouldn’t press too well and they were driving me a bit crazy, sliding all over the place.

I decided to use it single folded, sewed it to the right side, and applied it like you would a facing to finish the edges. I then made straps and sewed them on separately.

The guts of my jumpsuits aren’t too pretty. My overlocker wasn’t liking this slinky, slippery fabric so I gave up after I finished off the seams next to the zip.

It was weird when I wore the jump suit – all the mega frayed edges were stroking my legs!  I think I’ll have to do something about them before I wash it, otherwise it’ll probably fall apart!

A close up,of my less drapey front, and the wider straps which I much prefer.


And here I am at the end of the night – I wore it to the golf clubs presentation night last Saturday.  Unfortunately due to bad lighting, lots of dancing and rose wine this was the only photo taken. There was an official one taken with my trophies but I’m not sure when I’ll get a copy of it.


So today I took a few photos before I went to work. There’s no high heals and no make up but you get to see my jumpsuit in all its glory. I’m soooo pleased with it, and felt great wearing it and got loads of compliments.






Chilling in my comfy jumpsuit before I had to dash off to work…..

Were you tempted into buying a jumpsuit pattern last year when Jumping into June was in full swing?

If so, did you make it up, or is it still waiting patiently to reach the top of the to do list? And if not….why not?!?

Linking in with Sew It Chick Monthly – Gray All Day

By the way, I’ve just been adding some links to my post as I was in a bit of a rush when I wrote it yesterday.  I’ve checked out the Holly Jumpsuit on the BHL website, and it’s the only one still available in paper format, and is a steal at £7!  It’s worth it just for the gorgeous packaging to have it adorning your shelf!  Click HERE to be taken to their site – no I’m not on commission! 


  1. Looks great, Lovely! But you do need something that can finish off those seams properly. 😉 Funny you should ask about jumpsuits…

  2. Very cute! And a great match with the shoes.
    I love jump suits, but not the battle at toilet time. I’m thinking of a faux jumpsuit this summer with culottes on the bottom half. We shall see.

    • A faux jumpsuit is a great idea, and I’m liking the idea of culottes I did think of making this one mid calf to be like culottes, and I’ve also thought of making it into a play suit for next years holiday. 😎

    • The shoes certainly are! It must have been hard for my buddy to give them away, she’d never even worn them. But after a couple of hours dancing in them I was nearly giving them away too! I persevered though! 🙂

  3. The fit is great and I prefer the less drapey front. Maybe you could finish off the seams with some very soft or similar consistency to the fabric, bias tape. As for jumpsuits you know I ❤️ ❤️ them!

    • They’re really are fab! My only regret is leaving it so long to make my second. But now I’m dreaming up my third! I think for the seams I’ll have a twiddle with my overlocker, or buy a litre bottle of fray check!! 🙂

  4. Looks great Ali, you could just zig-zag your edges or pink them, your machine obviously went through the material ok and you don’t want them falling apart in the wash/ I made a jumpsuit this summer and find it’s really comfy to wear but it was one of the only times my husband felt the need to comment that he didn’t like it but I wore it anyway – sod him!

    • Thanks Sam, I felt great in it! Like your attitude with the hubby, I bet you looked lovely in it. I just expected my overlocker to work as i don’t normally have any problems. It sewed up my leggings beautifully and I was loathe to change any settings as I want to make more. I might go back to have another go when I’ve finished on my stretchy sewing! 🙂

  5. Wow! I never found jumpsuits attractive before but this week somehow I was considering to try on one for myself. And this one looks amazing on you and gave me an other push to at least try one and maybe even make one! Thank you! You never know how these posts inspire others, right? 😉

    • Thanks Rita! I get the inspiration bit…it costs me a fortune overtime I start looking at blogs dreaming up new projects. I’ve filled so many online shopping baskets but not always proceeded to the checkout which makes me feel better. I’ve just been looking at the BHL website, they have the paper Holly pattern for only £7, a bit of a bargain!! 🙂

  6. Fiona M says

    Not for me thanks – although yours ooks fab!
    I wore jumpsuits when they were ‘in’ in the 70’s, and I was a teenager. Brings back dreadful memories of having to practically strip off for a pee. Not sure my 58 yr old bladder would hold up to it these days, I’d probably have done it by the time I got the jumpsuit off!

    • Maybe a faux jumpsuit then with same fabric top and bottom, but it’d have to be all in lycra so it’s puppy proof, lol 😉

  7. Looks great. The adjustments you made have given a great fit. I have a jumpsuit pattern I haven’t got around to yet, maybe it will move up my ever increasing pattern pile now!!

  8. I like your adjustments and it turned out great! I love those colors! How disappointing that there were no lengthen/shorten lines. That seems like the most important thing you’d need in a jumpsuit pattern.

  9. It looks great – your adjustments improved it no end. I’m with the ‘needing to wee in a hurry’ camp though so I’ll leave the jump suits to those with stronger bladders (or at least those who don’t drink as much tea as I do 😉 )

  10. You are the Queen of the Holly Jumpsuit! You look good as always but those colours are after my own heart.

  11. This jumpsuit is so fabulous! I was thinking to try it too) After sewing Sallie Jumpsuit by Closet Case I’m so crazy about them!!!

    • I’ve been tempted by the sallie jumpsuit, but I just wasn’t sure because of the elasticated waist, they usually make my waist look bigger, but I’ve all the versions I’ve seen. 🙂

  12. Pingback: My First Pattern by Gertie – Butterick 6390 | T H I M B E R L I N A

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