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Getting busy with Belize from Itch-To-Stitch

Itch To Stitch has just released their latest pattern – the Belize skort and shorts.  She was asking for pattern testers not so long ago and I would have loved to help up but unfortunately the timescale didn’t match up with any free time I had.



I’ve never made a skort before, but have bought quite a few pairs over the years for golf, and they’re usually quite expensive.  In the last couple of years I’ve cheated and I’ve made skirts for golf and worn gym shorts underneath.

This week I’ve been on annual leave and has loooooads of free time.  So armed with my new pattern (which I managed to work out how to use layers and just print my size) I set about making the Belize Skort.  This was Monday, and I wanted to wear them on Tuesday for golf!

There are 5 views for the skort and shorts:

View A: Pleated-front shorts with front pockets
View B: Flat-front shorts with front pockets
View C: Flat-front shorts with no pocket
View D: Skort with front pockets and shorts back
View E: Skort with front pockets and skirt back

Before cutting into my new fabric from my most recent shopping expedition I decided I’d make up view B in some reddy/pinky cotton chambray to make sure the fit was going to be right.

Kennis suggests going with your hip measurement only as the waist can be adjusted when adding the elastic.

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My pattern piece only just fit on my narrow fabric.  According to the instructions 45″ wide fabric isn’t suitable for sizes over a 12.  You can see why in the photo above – my back piece only just fit and these were an 8 – though my fabric is slightly less than 45″.

If you really wanted to make them in a narrow width fabric you could, although it wouldn’t be economical, but what does that usually matter if you’re hell bent on using a certain fabric!

I measure a 40″ hip so cut a straight size 8 all over.  Despite being 3 3/4 inches on the waist bigger than the size 8 they fit perfect!

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I’ve worn these short nearly every day since making them, I’ve even got them on now!

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They are just so comfy as they have an elasticated back.  The front is quite flattering with it being flat.  As I have a small hip to waist ratio (I’ve only just recently discovered there was just a thing) the gathering on the waist at the back is quick minimal.

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Hemmed with a twin needle.

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2 rows of stitching with single needle for outer seam is just as neat at the twin!

As soon as I finished the short and was happy with the fit I ploughed ahead and cut the fabric out for the skort.  I made the skirt part in the black and white fabric from Ditto, and used some left over fabric from last years Valentine’s Dress for the under shorts.


Yay!  I got them finished!  It meant staying up sewing until around 10pm and up at 7 amthe next morning, but with enough time to wash my hair they were ready to wear and I was feeling lucky!

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The sun was shining when I left home, but after a 3 mile journey to the golf club the sky was covered with thick clouds.  The jacket came on but I wasn’t going to be covering my legs up any time soon!

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Pointy front view, above and wonky stance below – the skirt hem is curved but even, honest!

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I braved the cold for a photo without my jacket.  We had time for a quick photo shoot on the 5th tee as the ladies in front weren’t on the green yet – you can see them (just) in the background below.

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Side view below – you can just about make out the contrasting fabric I used on the shorts and on the pockets.

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Another wait on the 10th tee meant more photos.

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the back is quite smooth and you’d hardly notice it is an elasticated skirt.

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Cheeky!  A quick flash at my innards!

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Ooops! And a quick flash at the front too!  I really wish now that I’d not used this for the inside but made them into a pair of shorts on their own.  I might have to chop of my dress – it’s a bit big now anyway!

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After the success of making the shorts and the skort there was no stopping me.

I knew just what was next on my sewing list – Belize bottom PJs!


I made view C – flat fronted and no pockets.  After all I was going to used my most coveted fabric – the Liberty I purchased half price but had not dared to even pre wash never mind cut into.

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This fabric is one of my all time favourites but I’d put off making anything with it I was worried it might end up not being worn very much.  But lounge wear I wear all the time so these would definitely be worn loads.  I don’t have a proper PJ pattern so for the top had a look through my prima pattern for something simple that didn’t require much fabric and found this top:

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In no time at all I had PJs.  Maybe 3 hours tops, including cutting out!

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I even did some (not all) french seams and made my own bias binding. They’re so silky soft that I don’t want to take them off!  And in case you’re wondering – you don’t need to pre wash Liberty.  I didn’t and they still fit me after being washed twice.


So that’s little bit of what I’ve sewn up this week, wonder what else I had time to make!

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(slight disclaimer – it’s been a long day, and I’ve had a glass of wine.  I’m publishing this before I’ve read it through properly and apologise for any typos which there will inevitably be.  night-night xx)


  1. Ohhhhh lots to look at here! Love the pink chambray – delish, and the skort is a great fit for golf. Love the pjs and esp the print of the fabric! You’ve been busy.

    • I’ve always put off making skorts for golf as I thought they’d be too hard work and just made skirts and wore gym shorts underneath. But I’m now a convert and imagine by next summer I’ll have loads of pairs, and also have a few ideas for hacks too. They so comfy too with being elasticated. Today we’ve been to Bradford Golf Club for our lady’s trip, skorts in the pro shop were £45.99 in the sale! I was gob smacked!! :-0

  2. Loving the skort. I bought the pdf as soon as out. Wow they take a lot of fabric though. My first choice won’t work so until I decide replacement fabric I am doing plain shorts in some funky scuba I bought from Minerva two years ago. Your pjs look really comfy. You are right it’s better to use precious fabric on something you will get some wear out of. These are great K xXx

    • Funky scuba will be fab for them! I’ve just bought some cotton to make another skort and am going to use different fabric for the under shorts. I think it’ll be a good way to get rid of the odd 1/2 a metre here and there for future pairs. They’re really easy to make, I’m going to have loads of different pairs! xx

  3. Fabulous! Must get that pattern for meself & might even interest friend Karen… she likes to wear skorts in summer too. Am so glad you’ve got yourself some lounge wear – about time, m’dear! (Love that Liberty pattern!) Can’t beat a bit o’soft whilst at home. 😍 You deserve a pamper with all you do!

    • Thanks Del, they’re all so comfy, all 3 pairs. When I’m playing golf in my skort I’m feeling like I’ve still got my loungewear on! 🙂

      • Good for you ! ! ! As long as you’re awake enough to hit that ball. 😉
        Got my friend on the phone & her know about the pattern. Oh, good! She’s delighted & may even get it ordered before she leaves Florida & family vacation. So definitely a winner for several of us over here in this huge sewing desert! 😀

  4. Lynsey says

    The shorts and skort looks great on you (fab legs!!) love the pink chambray too. Liberty pjs must feel so lovely to sleep in, I need some in my life

    • Thanks for the compliment! I can’t remember anybody saying I’ve got fab legs – the tan helps and the style is really flattering. You need to treat yourself – you’re right, everyone should have liberty PJs 🙂

  5. You’re looking really good in your new clothes! I’m jealous of your tanned legs in those shorts, mine are still lily white after the Summer we’ve had. You’ve found some lovely fabrics too, really like the pink chambray and the Liberty. I’m so pleased you posted the skort as I play tennis, very badly, occasionally, and have been looking for a pattern like that. I need good sized pockets for me balls but I gues.s I could increase the size if I need to.

    • My legs are either rusty or tanned depending on the summer. I don’t think this years been too bad, or maybe it’s just that I watch a lot of cricket so out there a lot. The pockets are quite big and one fit at least 1 tennis ball in each, not sure about two. 🙂

    • Thankyou!! They are my new favourites, all 3 of them! I’m looking forward to having a go at hacking the skort and making lots of funky golf gear!

  6. Karen Dodgson says

    You look fab, that’s a great pattern and you’re very brave wearing shorts on the golf course in this weather lol….I’m about to brave the course at Howley but if they saw my white legs they’d run a mile 😂

  7. The skort, the shorts, the pajamas….I love each of your makes, especially the skort. You’ll get lots of use out of it!

    • I’ve worn at least one of the 3 every day! Today it was the skort for golf, and now I’m wondering if I’ll have time to make another pair before tomorrow’s game of golf! 🙂

  8. These were obviously going to be perfect for you as a golfer. They look great – I can imagine many more in the future. Your pj’s look fab too.

    • I think they’re one of the quickest and most flattering things I’ve made which is an unusual combination, I’ve not been so lucky in the past, and your right, I image I’ll have a drawer full of these 🙂

  9. I’m glad you made something with your lovely Liberty that you will get lots of wear from. Ideal for drifting around the house in looking cool.
    You are justly proud of your top stitching – it looks very neat!
    Love your hair done in a plait at the back there – do you have to get somebody to do it for you?

    • Thanks, I do feel rather cool in my PJs, in both respects. Unfortunately I’ve not had anybody visiting before I’ve been dressed, I can’t wait to show them off in real life. I’m pleased my hair has now grown enough to wear it in a plait. It’s something I learnt to do years ago. I can do my own easier than other peoples, as it’s easier to pull it tight on myself than on someone else. 🙂

  10. Andie W. says

    I love this pattern. So versatile. Every version looks amazing on you!

    • Thankyou! I can definitely recommend the pattern, there’s quite a few pairs to look at on the internet and I’ve not seen a pair I don’t like yet! 🙂

  11. I feel the same about Liberty fabric and have a growing stash that I haven’t found the right pattern for yet. I probably never will, thinking about it, so should just get on and use it….but it looks so pretty on my shelves! The skort reminds me of a pair I made back in 1993 – I hadn’t realised they were back in fashion again. Love your fabric combinations, too.

    • Thanks Sheila, I’m not sure they’re back in fashion now to be honest! Us sewers make our own fashions I think somethings! I just love them for golf as they’re more flattering than shorts, in the golf shops they’re £45 and more a pair!!! Can’t bring myself to pay that now I’m back sewing 😀

  12. Oh what fun! I remember skorts from years ago…they were not really so attractive back then. yours are really pretty with the black jacket. The little reddy pinky shorts are cute, too. But oh those jammies! Great pattern and fabric. 😀

    • Thanks Jen! I don’t remember seeing them in the shops, except for golf, think it must’ve been about the time culottes were about, and I loved them!!! I’m wearing one of them everyday, I need some more! 😀

  13. Wow! That’s a lot of making. All looking fab. I like the jim jams best. You should wear them to play golf. I can’t remember skorts being in in 1993.

    • Thankyou, don’t think my pjs would pass as golf attire, which would be a bit shame! I remember culottes in the early 90s but not skorts. I started playing golf around ’97 and they’ve been about nearly all the time I’ve played. 😃

  14. Pingback: Belize Skort Hack | T H I M B E R L I N A

  15. Pingback: #memademay17 – Halfway there | T H I M B E R L I N A

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